Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mando continues his work on the GENESIS 2 SLI: for some time, the target has been to get the classic Purkinje cell model to work because it uses different types of channels, has a complex morphology, and obviously because its behavior is well described and links nicely with experiments that have been done in the past. It seems like quite soon this model will work, from using the vanilla GENESIS 2 scripts. And for sake of completeness, this model obviously works already for a long time using Neurospaces NDF model files and SSP stimulation configuration files.

Last week I have worked a fair bit on the project browser, such that the morphology analyzer built into the model container can be accessed. This means that a project can have say 10 different morphology files in .p files or NDF files, and your webbrowser allows to examine the number of branchpoints between soma and terminal tips, compute cell surface area and other things. These operations can be applied transparantly on individual morphologies or groups of morphologies. The part to define the groups from the morphologies in the project still needs some work, right now I use a configuration text file in the YAML format.

One thing that became more and more clear over the last few days is that it would be good from a maintenance point of view to merge the project browser and the Neurospaces studio. From the user / installer viewpoint, this means that the Neurospaces project only ships one integrated GUI rather than two, which is obviously a good point too.

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